Below are the geometric shapes to print and cut out. They are widely used for elementary school classes. At the end of the post there is a PDF with all the geometric shapes mentioned here. Always remember to do trimming jobs with adult supervision.
Triangular Prism to print, cut and assemble
Quadrangular Prism to print, cut and assemble
Pentagonal Prism to print, cut and assemble
Hexagonal Prism to print, cut and assemble
Below are the five platonic solids. The regular polyhedrons to assemble.
Tetrahedron to print, cut out and assemble
Hexahedron to print, cut and assemble
Octahedron to print, cut and assemble
Dodecahedron to print, cut out and assemble
Icosahedron to print, cut out and assemble
Cylinder to print, cut and assemble
Cone to print, cut and assemble
Triangular pyramid to print, cut and assemble
Quadrangular pyramid to print, cut and assemble
Pentagonal pyramid to print, cut and assemble
Hexagonal pyramid to print, cut and assemble
Heptagonal pyramid to print, cut and assemble
Octagonal pyramid to print, cut and assemble
Geometric shapes PDF
Below you will find a PDF with all the geometric shapes mentioned above, so you can print them, cut them out and put them together and have a lot of fun. It reminds you to always make these cutouts under adult supervision to avoid accidents.
PDF with the geometric bodies mentioned above
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