An electrical circuit is called an interconnected system of components (voltage sources, resistors, capacitors, etc.) that allow the use of electrical energy in order to transform it into another type of energy.
Solving electrical circuits is concerned with calculating values for electrical voltage, current, and power. Mainly it is to find the magnitudes and directions of all current intensities, since with the current found it is easier to determine the voltage and power in each branch.
What is needed to solve electrical circuits?
Simple, to solve complex electrical circuits you need:
- Kirchhoff’s law of meshes: Which says that the sum of potential drops is equal to zero. It is also known as Kirchhoff’s law of voltages.
- Kirchhoff’s law of nodes: Which says that the sum of the currents entering or leaving a node is equal to zero. It is also known as Kirchhoff’s law of currents.
What is a mesh and a node in an electrical circuit?
Mesh: Any closed path in an electrical circuit.
Node: Point of 3 or more connections.
All this can be better explained in an example that we will see here.
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